
目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

Fall Semester 10/30/21

We will have a review test for Lesson 7 in the next class.   What we learned:  1. 聲調練習  2.影片欣賞 3. 文章閱讀 4. 第七課總複習 Homework:  1. 作業本114, 120-126頁  ( 請將作業拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2.  下一次課堂將有第七課複習小考     👉  複習第七課單字     👉  複習“只有”,“只要”,“只是”的不一樣  ___________________________    What we learned:    1.  Tone practice  2. Video  3.  Book Reading   4.  Lesson 5  Review  Homework:  1. Homework pages 114,120-126  (please send them to my phone number 615 603 2573 before Friday.) 2. We will have a review test for Lesson 7 in the next class.     👉  Review Lesson 7 words.     👉  Review different between  “只有”,“只要”,“只是”

Fall semester 10/23/21

Please prepare a piece of A4 paper for next class. Thank you!    What we learned:  1.第七課課文(影片欣賞) 2.第七課生字 3.口語練習 4.“只有 ” 和 “只要” 的不同 Homework:  1. 作業本  p.115 ~ p.119。 (請將作業本拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2. 完成詞語遊戲複習  Wordwall - 美洲華語第二冊 Lesson 7-2   (請填上姓名並於週五前完成,完成後老師會收到成績)   _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. The Lesson 7  (video) 2. Lesson 7 New Words 3. Conversation Practice 4. The difference between "只有" and "只要" Homework:  1. Homework pages 115~119  (please send them to my phone number 615-603-2573 before Friday.) 2. Complete the word game review  Wordwall - 美洲華語第二冊 Lesson 7-2    (Please fill in your name and complete it before Friday, the teacher will receive the score after completion)

Fall semester 10/16/21

Please prepare a piece of A4 paper for next class. Thank you!   What we learned:  1.第七課課文(影片欣賞) 2.第七課生字 3.口語練習 4.“的” 和 “得” 的不同 Homework:  1. 作業本  p.109~ p.113。 (請將作業本拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2. 完成詞語遊戲複習  Wordwall - 美洲華語第二冊 Lesson 7-1   (請填上姓名並於週五前完成,完成後老師會收到成績)   _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. The Lesson 7  (video) 2. Lesson 7 New Words 3. Conversation Practice 4. The difference between "的" and "得" Homework:  1. Homework pages 109~113  (please send them to my phone number 615-603-2573 before Friday.) 2. Complete the word game review  Wordwall - 美洲華語第二冊 Lesson 7-1    (Please fill in your name and complete it before Friday, the teacher will receive the score after completion)

Fall semester 10/2/21

(請將考試卷拍照回傳至老師電話615-603-2573)  (Please send test to my phone number 615-603-2573 )   What we learned:  1.第六課複習考 2.第六課考試卷複習 3. 聲調練習  4. 說故事(影片欣賞小水滴的旅行) 5.成語學習 Homework:  1. 作業本  p.102~ p.108。 (請將作業本拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2. 成語造句:練習用"乾乾淨淨"&"整整齊齊"&"亂七八糟"造一個句子,老師下堂課抽問。 3. 第六課複習考錯誤部分每個訂正五次。 _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. Lesson 6 review test 2. go over lesson 6 test 3.  Tone practice 4. Book reading (Video) 5.   Idiom learning Homework:  1. Homework pages 102~108  (please send them to my phone number 615-603-2573 before Friday.) 2. Making sentences: Practice using  "乾乾淨淨"&"整整齊齊"&"亂七八糟" to  make sentences,. Teacher will ask them in the next class. 3. Correct the wrong answer in lesson 6. Write down the correct answer 5 times.