
目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

Fall semester 9/25/21

10/2/21 We will have a Lesson six text.    What we learned:  1. 聲調練習  2.第六課第二週詞語 3.生字練習 4.句子練習 5.說故事(影片欣賞) 6. 兒歌學習(我的朋友在哪裡) 7.第六課總複習 8.遊戲  Homework:  1. 作業本  p.97 ~ p.101 (請將作業本拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2. 複習Quizlet 第六課生字,最少五次。 👉   quizlet/flashcards 3. 複習的和得的差別 (As attached) _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. Tone practice 2. Vocabulary in the second week of lesson 6 3. Vocabularies practice 4. Sentences practice 5. Tell a story (video appreciation) 6. Children's songs learning (where is my friend) 7. General review of Lesson 6 8. Games Homework:  1.  Workbook p.97 ~ p.101 ( please send them to my phone or email before Friday. ) 2. Review Quizlet's lesson six words, at least five times.👉 quizlet/flashcards 3. Review the difference between 的 and 得  (As attached) 👉 的 👉 得

Fall semester 9/18/21

   What we learned:  1.中秋節影片欣賞 2.瞭解 中秋節是什麼? 中秋節是什麼時候? 為什麼慶祝中秋節? 人們怎麼慶祝中秋節? 3.接力賽練習寫 (中秋節) 4.中秋節遊戲  5.聲調練習 6.影片欣賞(登鸛雀樓) 7.登鸛雀樓文章解析 Homework:  1.   複習中秋節影片題目  edpuzzle 2.   背誦 登鸛雀樓 並了解每一句的意思,老師將於9/25課堂上抽考 (請家長紀錄孩子背誦影片並於週五前回傳至老師電話或信箱,謝謝)      參考影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jIowxZ7MHE&t=10s _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. Mid-Autumn Festival Movie. 2. Understand What is Mid-Autumn Festival. When is Mid-Autumn Festival? Why celebrates      Mid-Autumn Festival? How we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? 3. Practice writing ( Mid-Autumn Festival) 4. Mid-Autumn Festival Games 5. Tone practice 6. Film Appreciation 7. Interpretation of the article on Deng Guanquelou Homework:  1.  Review the Mid-Autumn Festival video.  edpuzzle 2.    M emorize     Deng Guanquelou and understand the meaning of ...

Fall Semester 9/11/21

  What we learned:  1.第五課複習考 2.聲調練習  3.影片欣賞(小河的歌) 4.文章閱讀 5. 聽聽看,告訴我這是什麼聲音?你最喜歡哪一種聲音?為什麼? (沖馬桶的聲音,下雨的聲音,瀑布的聲音,喝水的聲音,河流的聲音,狗喝水的聲音) 6.單字學習 7.單字你比我猜(遊戲) Homework:  1. 作業本  p.91~ p.96 (請將作業本拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) _________________________________________________________________________________ What we learned:  1. Lesson 5 review test 2. Tone practice 3. Video (Song of Xiaohe) 4. Reading 5. Listen, tell me what sound is this? Which sound do you like the best? Why?     (The sound of flushing the toilet, the sound of rain, the sound of a waterfall, and the sound of a  river, the sound of a dog drink water) 6. vocabulary 7.Guess the guess the word (game) Homework:  1. Homework pages 91~96.  (please send them to my phone number 615-603-2573 before Friday.)

Fall Semester 9/4/21

   We have a great class today 😀 What we learned:  1. 聲調練習  2.影片欣賞 3. 文章閱讀 4.老師說遊戲 5.第五課總複習 6.成語學習 Homework:  1. 作業本78,84~90頁  ( 請將作業拍照並於週五前回傳至老師電話615-603-2573) 2.  下一次課堂將有第五課複習小考     👉  複習課本 p.49 句子練習 (送給,交給)     👉  複習作業本 p.73 (連連看),p.77 (填填看),p.80(選選看),p.82(看圖填填看)         ___________________________    What we learned:    1.  Tone practice  2. Video  3.  Book Reading   4. Teacher say's game  5. Lesson 5  Review   6. Idiom learning Homework:  1. Homework pages 78,84-90  (please send them to my phone number 615 603 2573 before Friday.) 2. We will have a review test for Lesson 5 in the next class.     👉  Review textbook p.49 sentence practice (to give, to hand to)      👉  Review workbook   p.73(連連看),p.77(填填看),p.80(選選看) ,p.82(看圖填填看) ...